Protesters again stopped the highly contentious native forest logging of Mumbulla State Forest north of Bega. Conservation groups of the south east have condemned this logging as illegal and threatening to the remnant koala population of the forest area.

"It is outrageous that the government has given the green light to this native forest woodchipping operation -  Tony Whan, spokeperson for South East Forest Rescue, said - Not only is this malicious habitat destruction against the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Forest Management on a biodiversity level, the government has failed to review the alleged sustainability of the Regional Forest Agreements."
Last week Dr David Milledge, an eminent ecologist, released a report stating the new koala surveys were inadequate.
Mr Whan said that Forests NSW has been logging in breach of the Threatened Species Licence for the last three weeks: "In only two days of starting logging compartment 2133 South East Forest Rescue has uncovered a breach in the compartment," he said.
The  rocky outcrop  breach is indicative of Forests NSW disregard for the law.

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