14 villages in Pulau Padang are triggered by the paper giant Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL).
APRIL's subsidiary, PT. RAPP, obtained an Industrial Timber Plantation Permit for 350.165 hectares, which located in Pulau Padang are 41.205 hectares (Forestry Minister letter No. 327/Menhut-II/2009).
Most of Concession area of PT. RAPP in Pulau Padang is overlapped with lands which owned by local community, for instant for rubber plantation, sago plantation, thus farming area and ex farming area and plantation. Because PT. RAPP forces to operate without consider the community reaction and or objection, causing massive rejection and demonstrations.

When PT. RAPP brought their heavy equipments last May 2011 in Tanjung Padang, Community organization Riau Farmer Union tried to stopped the heavy equipment works until they have the resolution that can be accepted by them. On May 30, in the morning until noon the locals stopped the operation of heavy equipments on the port of PT RAPP in Pulau Padang. This port is the main access of PT RAPP for entrance and starting their land clearing in the middle of the island and gets the log and chip wood which then transported to Futong Port in Sungai Apit of Siak District and then taken to PT RAPP mill in Pangkalan Kerinci of Pelalawan District.
In the middle of the night, at Sei Kuat of Lukit Village, 3 heavy equipments burn, and the operator were shot,
The Supporting Coalition Struggle Meranti Islands urged the creation of Integrate Fact-Finding Team involving Indonesia's Human Rights Commission, Police, Meranti Island Regional Government.
They also urged PT RAPP to stop all their operation on the field and withdraws each heavy equipment until the common agreement stated and can be accepted by all parties, and encouraged Indonesia's Human Rights Commission to demand PT RAPP, Regional Government of Meranti, Bengkalis District Police responsibilities on the omission of prolonged conflict and caused violence and took a man as victim on July 13.


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